Afin d’intégrer la librairie .dll de CPLEX directement dans votre programme effectuez les étapes suivantes :
1. Copier les fichiers cplexXXX.dll, ILOG.Concert.dll, et ILOG.CPLEX.dll dans le classeur \bin\Debug de votre projet.
2. Créer un dossier sur le disque local C:\ appelé ILOG.
3. Dans le dossier C:\ILOG créer un dossier appélé ILM
4. Dans le dossier C:\ILOG\ILM copier le fichier ACCESS.ILM.
Le fichier ACCESS.ILM contient les licences d’utilisation.
5.Si vous êtes à l'extérieur de votre réseau (qui contient les licences) vous allez alors avoir besoin d'un VPN afin de vous identifier sur le réseau. Ca permet à CPLEX de vérifier la validité des licences.
Et voilà !!!
Maintenant voici un exemple de code. et VB.Net
(important de faire les imports)
Imports ILOG.Concert
Public Class Blend
Friend Shared _nbElements As Integer = 3
Friend Shared _nbRaw As Integer = 2
Friend Shared _nbScrap As Integer = 2
Friend Shared _nbIngot As Integer = 1
Friend Shared _alloy As Double = 71.0
Friend Shared _cm As Double() = {22.0, 10.0, 13.0}
Friend Shared _cr As Double() = {6.0, 5.0}
Friend Shared _cs As Double() = {7.0, 8.0}
Friend Shared _ci As Double() = {9.0}
Friend Shared _p As Double() = {0.05, 0.3, 0.6}
Friend Shared _P1 As Double() = {0.1, 0.4, 0.8}
Friend Shared _PRaw As Double()() = {New Double() {0.2, 0.01}, New Double() {0.05, 0.0}, New Double() {0.05, 0.3}}
Friend Shared _PScrap As Double()() = {New Double() {0.0, 0.01}, New Double() {0.6, 0.0}, New Double() {0.4, 0.7}}
Friend Shared _PIngot As Double()() = {New Double() {0.1}, New Double() {0.45}, New Double() {0.45}}
Public Overloads Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim cplex As New Cplex()
Dim m As INumVar() = cplex.NumVarArray(_nbElements, 0.0, System.Double.MaxValue)
Dim r As INumVar() = cplex.NumVarArray(_nbRaw, 0.0, System.Double.MaxValue)
Dim s As INumVar() = cplex.NumVarArray(_nbScrap, 0.0, System.Double.MaxValue)
Dim i As INumVar() = cplex.NumVarArray(_nbIngot, 0.0, System.Double.MaxValue)
Dim e(_nbElements - 1) As INumVar
' Objective Function: Minimize Cost
cplex.AddMinimize(cplex.Sum(cplex.ScalProd(_cm, m), cplex.ScalProd(_cr, r), cplex.ScalProd(_cs, s), cplex.ScalProd(_ci, i)))
' Min and max quantity of each element in alloy
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To _nbElements - 1
e(j) = cplex.NumVar(_p(j) * _alloy, _P1(j) * _alloy)
Next j
' Constraint: produce requested quantity of alloy
cplex.AddEq(cplex.Sum(e), _alloy)
' Constraints: Satisfy element quantity requirements for alloy
For j = 0 To _nbElements - 1
cplex.AddEq(e(j), cplex.Sum(m(j), cplex.ScalProd(_PRaw(j), r), cplex.ScalProd(_PScrap(j), s), cplex.ScalProd(_PIngot(j), i)))
Next j
If cplex.Solve() Then
If cplex.GetStatus().Equals(cplex.Status.Infeasible) Then
Console.WriteLine("No Solution")
End If
Dim mVals As Double() = cplex.GetValues(m)
Dim rVals As Double() = cplex.GetValues(r)
Dim sVals As Double() = cplex.GetValues(s)
Dim iVals As Double() = cplex.GetValues(i)
Dim eVals As Double() = cplex.GetValues(e)
' Print results
Console.WriteLine(("Cost:" & cplex.ObjValue))
Console.WriteLine("Pure metal:")
For j = 0 To _nbElements - 1
Console.WriteLine(("(" & j & ") " & mVals(j)))
Next j
Console.WriteLine("Raw material:")
For j = 0 To _nbRaw - 1
Console.WriteLine(("(" & j & ") " & rVals(j)))
Next j
For j = 0 To _nbScrap - 1
Console.WriteLine(("(" & j & ") " & sVals(j)))
Next j
Console.WriteLine("Ingots : ")
For j = 0 To _nbIngot - 1
Console.WriteLine(("(" & j & ") " & iVals(j)))
Next j
For j = 0 To _nbElements - 1
Console.WriteLine(("(" & j & ") " & eVals(j)))
Next j
End If
System.Console.Write(" ")
Catch exc As ILOG.Concert.Exception
Console.WriteLine(("Concert exception '" + exc.ToString + "' caught"))
End Try
End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Blend
'Pure metal:
'0) 0
'1) 0
'2) 0
'Raw material:
'0) 0
'1) 0
'0) 17.059
'1) 30.2311
'Ingots :
'0) 32.4769
'0) 3.55
'1) 24.85
'2) 42.6
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